Say Hello to Amy and Ivy

Say Hello to Amy and Ivy

If you’ve read my post, “Meet the Kitties,” you know that my husband and I went from having one cat to having three, somewhat unintentionally. I thought three cats was definitely going to be our limit, but at the beginning of the summer, we decided we wanted to add one more. Because all three of our cats were boys, we wanted to get a girl.

The two of us went to the animal shelter intending to come home with one female kitten. When we got there, the number of kittens was overwhelming. We pet and held numerous female kittens, and we couldn’t settle on just one. When the man in charge of adoptions told us we could get two for the price of one, we each picked our favorite and brought them home with us. Today, I’d like to introduce them to you.

This is Amy, the kitten I chose. At the shelter, she kept rubbing her head on my hand through the bars of her cage. Though there were many cute kittens, she was the one who stole my heart. Her coloring is called diluted calico. Though she is mostly gray, she has some peach/cream and white on her as well. Amy has a sweet, gentle personality. She loves climbing, being pet, and getting groomed by our older cats.

This is Ivy, the calico kitten that my husband chose. Because of her coloring and large ears, I sometimes call her our Batgirl. Ivy is extremely affectionate. She loves sitting in our laps and being held…when she’s in the mood. When she’s not, she’ll meow to let us know she wants to get down. Ivy is playful and quite feisty, especially in her dealings with the other cats.

Both of the girls have adjusted well to living at our house, and though they tussle sometimes, as siblings do, they’ve come to like each other. Two of our boys, Jake and Luke, accepted the kittens from the moment we brought them in the door. It took Taiyo a few days to adjust, but as you’ll see below, they all get along quite well now.

Amy and Ivy love to cuddle!
That dark shadow on the floor is Jake, in case you can’t tell.
Ivy decided she wanted to cuddle with Taiyo.
Jake and Amy both love looking out the window.

Having five kitties has been an adjustment for us, but it has been a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to getting to know our two new kittens better and to sharing a lot of cute pictures with you!

If you’re interested in adopting a kitten, summer is a great time to do it. Most shelters have a lot of kittens this time of year. But be warned…it’s hard to come home with just one.

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I hope you have a wonderful week!