About Me

My name is Miriam Thor, and I live in North Carolina with my husband and our five cats: Jake, Luke, Taiyo (Japanese for sun), Amy, and Ivy. As a self-proclaimed nerd, I consider myself a member of many different fandoms, but none more so than Star Wars. My parents introduced me to the original trilogy at a young age, and I’ve been a fan ever since. I’ve seen all the movies and have read a lot of the books, though I prefer the Expanded Universe timeline over the Disney one.

In addition to fantasy and sci-fi, I like a wide variety of other genres. One of my favorite authors is Louisa May Alcott. In Little Women, there is a chapter titled “Castles in the Air” where the characters discuss their dreams for the future. My “Castle in the Air” is to become a full-time author. I’ve already had two novellas published and am currently working on a novel. You can learn more about my published works at my website: https://miriamthor17.wixsite.com/author.