On Veteran’s Day

On Veteran’s Day

I have several veterans in my family. My husband served in the Air Force, and both of my grandfathers served, one in the Army and one in the Marines. I am very grateful to them and the many others who have chosen to protect our country over the years.

In the United States, we are free to do almost whatever we want as long as we don’t hurt someone else or infringe upon their freedom. That is a huge blessing. I’m free to have cats, read books, watch movies, write stories, and publish this blog. If it weren’t for the men and women who put their lives on the line to serve and protect our country, I wouldn’t have that freedom.

So today, on Veteran’s Day, I’d like to simply say thank you to all those who have served our country in the past and the ones still serving today. We are all in your debt.